kate hilder
Feldenkrais Online classes and workshops
Ireland and virtually through online sessions.

Weekly Feldenkrais class
Mondays 5.45pm – 6.45pm
with Kate Hilder & Stephen Wallace
Close the door, turn off your phone and enjoy a Feldenkrais class in the comfort of your home.
To join you’ll need: the Zoom app on your device and enough space to lie down with your arms stretched out to the sides.
Contact Kate at info@katehilder.com for the Zoom link
Cost: €12 euros / £10 pounds or €60 euros / £50 pounds for a 6-week series

Easy Knees & Flexible Hips
with Kate Hilder
During this workshop you will learn to improve the flexibility, alignment and strength of your hip and knee joints in relation to your whole self.
Your hips and knees are the largest and most hard-working joints in your body. They bear your full body weight and are prone to injury and aging. During this workshop you’ll discover ways to reduce strain on your hips and knees by distributing effort throughout your legs and pelvis. This will allow you to walk, run and move through your day with ease and agility.
The morning will consist of a series of intriguing movement lessons in lying and standing. By using BIG Attention and Small effort you will learn to bring yourself into a more balanced state, improve your everyday movement and discover new ways of being in the world.
There will be a tea break half way through.
€25 euros / £21 pounds or
€20 euros / £17 pounds concessions

Clear Sight
with Kate Hilder
€25 euros / £21 pounds or
€20 euros / £17 pounds concessions

In Balance
with Kate Hilder
€25 euros / £21 pounds or
€20 euros / £17 pounds concessions

Releasing the Neck and Jaw
10am to 12.15pm
with Kate Hilder
In this half-day workshop you’ll learn how to reduce muscular tension and experience a greater freedom of movement in your neck and jaw. This can have a profound effect on the musculature of your entire self, your breathing and your energy levels.
Many of us hold tension in our mouth and jaw without realising it. This deeply ingrained habit of clenching our jaw is usually a response to stress and anxiety and can lead to discomfort in the neck, shoulders and upper back.
Moving slowly with awareness, you’ll learn how to isolate the movements of your jaw and also how to connect these movements to your neck, back and pelvis. The lessons in this workshop can be particularly helpful to people who suffer from headaches, bruxism and neck and shoulder discomfort.
There will be a tea break halfway through.
€25 euros / £21 pounds or
€20 euros / £17 pounds concessions
“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.”
Moshe Feldenkrais
The Classes
This holistic approach promises emotional as well as physical benefits and a profound connection with oneself.
Individual Lessons