kate hilder

Feldenkrais Online classes and workshops

I offer Feldenkrais Method classes both in-person across the UK and
Ireland and virtually through online sessions.

Weekly Feldenkrais class

Mondays 5.45pm – 6.45pm

with Kate Hilder & Stephen Wallace

Close the door, turn off your phone and enjoy a Feldenkrais class in the comfort of your home.

To join you’ll need:  the Zoom app on your device and enough space to lie down with your arms stretched out to the sides.

Contact Kate at info@katehilder.com for the Zoom link

Cost: €12 euros / £10 pounds or €60 euros / £50 pounds for a 6-week series

Clear Sight

Saturday 21st September, 10am to 12.15pm

with Kate Hilder

During this workshop you’ll learn how to reduce tension in the muscles that move your eyes and recognise and transform habits that interfere with the clarity of your vision. It’s for anyone who experiences eye strain, tension headaches and is curious about improving the health of their eyes.
Vision is the primary sense through which we experience our world. As we get older the quality and clarity of our vision can weaken and degrade. This is often because we overwork our eye and neck muscles by using ourselves in limited ways, for example by looking at a computer screen for long periods of time. Having relaxed eyes will help you to see more clearly, to focus without strain and to experience the world in richer detail. As the movement of your eyes and the rest of your body are interdependent, having relaxed eyes will have a positive effect on your co-ordination, posture and sense of well-being. There will be a tea break halfway through.

€25 euros / £21 pounds or
€20 euros / £17 pounds concessions

In Balance

Saturday 6th July, 10am to 12.15pm

with Kate Hilder

This workshop is for adults of all ages who want to improve their balance, whether you want to stay mobile and grounded into your later years, enhance your skills in specific activities e.g. yoga, dance, sport or you want to feel more emotionally balanced.
Most of us think of balance as a static activity, e.g. standing on one leg or being on tip-toes: something we have to focus hard on so we can hold still. However, we are constantly balancing as we move through our day: walking is a miraculous balancing act where we bring all our weight onto one foot and then the other, time and time again. As balance occurs in motion, we must improve our movement in order to be in balance. In the Feldenkrais Method, we do this by using our attention to sense how we can move with less effort and more ease. There will be a tea break halfway through.

€25 euros / £21 pounds or
€20 euros / £17 pounds concessions


Releasing the Neck and Jaw

Sunday 14th April,
10am to 12.15pm

with Kate Hilder

In this half-day workshop you’ll learn how to reduce muscular tension and experience a greater freedom of movement in your neck and jaw. This can have a profound effect on the musculature of your entire self, your breathing and your energy levels.

Many of us hold tension in our mouth and jaw without realising it. This deeply ingrained habit of clenching our jaw is usually a response to stress and anxiety and can lead to discomfort in the neck, shoulders and upper back.

Moving slowly with awareness, you’ll learn how to isolate the movements of your jaw and also how to connect these movements to your neck, back and pelvis. The lessons in this workshop can be particularly helpful to people who suffer from headaches, bruxism and neck and shoulder discomfort.

There will be a tea break halfway through.

€25 euros / £21 pounds or
€20 euros / £17 pounds concessions

“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.”

Moshe Feldenkrais

The Classes

Feldenkrais classes are called Awareness through Movement®. You’ll be guided, by the verbal instructions of the teacher, through a series of intriguing movement explorations usually lying on a mat but sometimes in sitting and standing. Each class promises a novel experience due to the wide array of lessons designed by Moshe Feldenkrais. Through increasing your attention and decreasing your effort you’ll learn how to unravel unwanted movement habits and discover new, efficient and more graceful ways of moving and engaging in life.

This holistic approach promises emotional as well as physical benefits and a profound connection with oneself.

I teach classes and workshops both online and in person. See Classes/Workshops for more info.
Try this 20 minute Awareness through Movement class here.

Individual Lessons

Functional integration® is a one-to-one Feldenkrais session where the practitioner guides you through different movement patterns using touch. Every session is unique as it’s in response to your needs and questions, whether you suffer from chronic tension and pain, you want to improve your balance, co-ordination or posture or you simply want to move with more freedom.
After an initial chat, we will investigate movements while sitting and standing related to the questions you have. You will then lie down, fully clothed, on a low, wide table and we will continue this exploration using gentle touch. At the end, I may suggest movements to practise at home in order to integrate the learning from the session into your daily living.
The first session is around 75 minutes, with subsequent ones lasting an hour.
I offer individual lessons in Ennis and Limerick in Ireland and in Seaton, East Devon in the UK as well as online.
Online sessions include observing how you move and verbally guiding you through movements which address your habitual holding patterns. You will receive a recording of each session that you can return to in your own time.